Civilian Immunity in War.

Civilian Immunity in War
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Civilian Immunity in War Notre Dame Philosophical One of the chief mechanisms for limiting the damage of war is the jus in bello principle of civilian immunity from military attack which is an aspect of the principle of discrimination or distinction It is perhaps the key factor that distinguishes war from barbarism Civilian Immunity in War 9780199290741 Igor Civilian Immunity in War written in collaboration by eleven authors provides the first comprehensive analysis of all main aspects of this highly topical subject It considers the arguments for rejection of civilian immunity and the main theories of the grounds and proper scope of this immunity both deontological just war theory and Civilian Immunity in War Civilian Immunity in War Kindle edition by Igor Primoratz Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading Civilian Immunity in War Civilian Immunity in War Hardcover Igor Primoratz Civilian Immunity in War presents eleven specially written essays on the main aspects of this highly topical subject Written in a clear and nontechnical style this volume will appeal to students and researchers in philosophy politics and law as well as anyone with an interest in the ethics and legality of war Civilian Immunity in Foundational Islamic Strategic That evidence tells a totally different story to theirs of a close compatibility between the early Islamic practices under the Prophet Muhammad’s direction and the ethical code of civilian immunity embedded within western Just War theory and international humanitarian law Civilian immunity in war Book 2010 Civilian Immunity in War written in collaboration by eleven authors provides the first comprehensive analysis of all main aspects of this highly topical subject It considers the arguments for rejection of civilian immunity and the main theories of the grounds and proper scope of this immunity both deontological just war theory and consequentialist Igor Primoratz Civilian immunity in war PhilPapers Civilian Immunity in War written in collaboration by eleven authors provides the first comprehensive analysis of all main aspects of this highly topical subject It considers the arguments for rejection of civilian immunity and the main theories of the grounds and proper scope of this immunity both deontological just war theory and consequentialist Civilian Immunity in War Paperback Igor Primoratz Civilian Immunity in War Edited by Igor Primoratz Eleven specially commissioned essays on an issue of pressing public concern Reliable informative and thoughtprovoking treatment of the ethics and legality of war Fills a gap in the scholarly literature Excellent international lineup of contributors CIVILIAN IMMUNITY IN WAR Philosophical Forum DeepDyve Read CIVILIAN IMMUNITY IN WAR Philosophical Forum on DeepDyve the largest online rental service for scholarly research with thousands of academic publications available at your fingertips Law Of War Flashcards Quizlet Law Of War The Law of War principle of Honor influences the conduct of activities by encouraging refrain from taking advantage of the adversarys adherence to the Law of War and to encourage combatants to act in good faith in nonhostile relations
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